Mike brought home some kind of stupid bug from work, or from one of his trips.  Its a nasty little thing.  I’ve got sinus crap, sore throat (most likely from post nasal drip).  So far I’ve tried Dayquil during the day, Nyquil at night.  And even some Advil Cold and Sinus.  I get very little releif.  Been thru about a box of tissues and that was just since yesterday.  Here it is 5:49pm and I have little interest in cooking dinner.  But I suppose I should.  The girls are going to be looking for it.  Thankfully they ate a late lunch so I can put it off a little later.  

I’m praying I’m better soon.  I really don’t like being ill.  Its just not fun having a stuffy head that makes you dizzy when you have two children to chase.