Today was kind of busy. But kind of not. I got up this morning and was pretty lazy, then we went grocery shopping. I hate to grocery shop lately. It’s depressing seein the prices rise and rise. It also stinks when people are rude as hell. Some lady who was in an obviously bigger hurry than I was, ran into my cart with the girls in it. She never even stopped to say she was sorry, or even tried to say ‘exuse me’. Nope she just gave me the dirtiest of looks and kept on going.

The girls and I came home, V slept on the couch in her jacket, hat and shoes. She must have been really sleepy. She didn’t even want me to take off her coat. I tried once and she gave a huge protest. So I let her be. M and I cuddled on the couch for a while. It was nice to just hang and watch tv. I should have been cleaning my kitchen, or folding laundry. Oh well, they are only little once and its one thing I love to do. Just sit and enjoy their company.

I did make dinner and then spent an hour folding laundry that I had let pile up. See the thing is when you have sick children, you often have to give up on keeping everything nice and tidy. I have two sinks full of dishes along with a couple pans sitting on my stove. They’ve been really cranky and clingy. I feel it is more important to make sure they are happy. So if that means sitting thru Sleeping Beauty 20 times in one week (no exaggeration) then I’ll do it.

I did accomplish the laundry, and I made the girls bed up. Since M had puked on it yesterday morning it had to be stripped down and the quilt washed. It took three runs thru the dryer on delicate to finally dry completely. Stripping their bed meant that they had about a 100 stuffed animals that usually sit on the end of their bed all over their floor. So it took a while this evening to get everything back in place. 

Never a dull moment in our house. V seemed to be doing better then her nose started running even more towards bedtime and her temp was 100. M seems to be much better, she didn’t puke after about 8am, and her nose didn’t run at all today. And no coughing. I on the other hand have the start of a sinus/head cold. The weather is so dry and cold here right now that is the reason so many are getting sick. 

I am suppose to have a doctor appointment Tuesday for myself. I think I’m going to call and change it to later in the month. Its just not a good time right now. And Mike has an eye appointment Wednesday night. It’s more important than my doctor appointment. He’s been having vision issues that are getting worse over the last several months.  Its time for him to finally go get some glasses.

Anyways, that was our day. Simple all in all. Nothing glamorous but its our life. And … I kind of love it.