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Is it really?  Bleah, this week is just crawling by.  I had a really nice day yesterday.  I had a friend come over and we played around with my sewing machine.  Get ready for this lol I made two mama pads. I’d post pictures but they are kind of lame looking, being my first ones.  If the next go well then I’ll share those.  I figure it doesnt matter to much since after all no one else will ever see them.

I also showed my friend how to get started with digital scrapbooking.  I think she’ll enjoy it.  She loves doing paper crafting so its just sort of another extention of that.

I got to play with her little guy, he’s such a cutie pie.  Gets the baby fever all fired up though.  There will be none of that though, atleast for another year or two.  Which kind of makes me sad. There are two things we need before we can plan it and neither of those look like they will happen anytime soon.  I had really hoped to plan on trying for #3 when V turned 2 and well, thats just 10 days away. 

I’m still thinking about what to do about going to Michigan.  I just don’t know what to do about it.  In my heart I so want to go, I long to. But we really are growing out of this 2 bedroom apartment and there is no way we can move into a house with both of our credits looking they way they do.  Plus with no down payment, I doubt we’d be able to afford anything anyways.

This Friday we’re celebrating Mike’s birthday with his family since his birthday is this coming Sunday.  I think we may splurge alittle and go see Dark Knight.  Either Friday night or early Saturday morning.  Either way the girls are staying with his parents that night so we’ll have to see.

Well I think I’ll finish this since I started it at like 10am and now its 1:18 pm and I’m just now finishing it.

It would figure that the second I plan an outdoor party, it would rain for a week straight.  I wish I was joking.  Its been gray everyday since the invites were sent.  I looked outside just now and its actually sheets of rain.  GRRRR  Granted V’s party isnt until August 2nd but oh Lord PLEASE don’t let it rain that day!  Or the day before that, so the park will be sort of dry.

Grant me this one prayer God and I’ll give up chocolate for 3 months!!

I realize I’ve been a big downer in my last posts.  So… I decided to make a list of the ways I was blessed today.

  • The girls were relatively great throughout the whole day, they even went to bed quietly.
  • There were several things on sale today that I needed at the store, saving me quite a bit of money.
  • I was able to get all my minor cleaning done before it got to late tonight.
  • GCI called to let us know our bill was over 900$ because of an error on their end and they needed permission to fix it.

There are many more and these may seem very trivial to some but they really made my day. Saving 4$ on toilet paper was kind of cool too!  lol

We didn’t accomplish anything today.  I want my house empty of the clutter.  Im so sick of eating sitting on the couch. I want to use my table.  Getting Mike to do anything is like if I were trying to pull teeth all on my own.  Such a baby about throwing things out.  And he will find just about anything else to do other than what needs to be done.

We did do grocery shopping… To an extent.  So depressing.  I wont go into detail.  Just not great.

I happened to sell two more bags of baby clothes for 30$ total.  I need to start going thru the 12 month stuff and stream line it down to just one tub.  I think its taken over two or three (although I think there are 2t and such size clothes as well because some of it is M’s old clothes).

I got up this morning and had to strip the girls bed so I went ahead and cleaned up the rest of their room.  How they end up with so many things all over the floor I have on clue!  And I vaccumed the whole apartment. Tomorrow we have a birthday party, but I am hoping to go thru the kitchen and get rid of some of the crap we just dont need.  You know those things in the cabinets that never get dug out … like… ever… Yep I’d like to stream line all of that stuff too.

Just another day in my life pretty much.  Sorry I haven’t been posting, but other than prices going sky high here there isnt much to talk about.  I was hoping for a busy summer out side but because of the gas prices we stay home alot, and since we have no yard… we stay in.

I hope everyone elses weekend is going well.

Sorry for not updating.  I’ve been kind of in la la land.  I have been working on a few projects here and there, and playing with the girls.  So things like the internet kind of get left by the wayside.

We’re all doing pretty well.  Just had a really lazy week and weekend.  We plan to camp this coming Wednesday to Sunday.  I’m really looking forward to not being in this darned apartment for a few days.  We’re going with Mike’s parents so I’m sure the girls will love getting to spend a good amount of time with their grandma.

I have to admit that I’ve been a bit down this past week, because of us not going to Michigan until later in the year.  I was really looking forward to seeing my family, and hopefully getting to see my nephew.  Oh well, I’m sure I will someday until then I’ll just have to wait for pictures when they are posted. And talk to them on the phone as much as I can.

I’ve been working on a few little projects.  I have been wanting to make the girls some wall hangings of their initials for a while, and finally did them.  They turned out super cute if I say so myself.  🙂  I now want to do some for Mike and I, probably a little M & C with a bigger S between or something, to hang on the wall in our room.  Maybe match it to our decore (LOL or not). I also was approached with a new opportunity thru the creative team I am on.  Once a month I get to head a really cool new challenge.  So yesterday I got it together, I just need to get the tutorial typed up today and have it sitting ready to be published on Wednesday.

Life in general is going pretty well. 

I dropped off the waterproof one time use camera that I had used for one of our trips to H2Oasis but not a single one of the photos turned out.  I guess you have to get one with a flash for in there.  Poop!

She seems much better this morning.  Alittle warm but atleast now she’s smiling. I kind of wish I hadn’t taken her into the doctor office.  But Mike had wanted me to call and see what they said and they decided they wanted to see her to rule out a UTI.  Oh well, she’s better and that’s all that matters.  I did have to force water into her.  I had to use a syringe and do one teaspoon every 10 mins.  And I let her have two popsicles and I think it really helped make a difference.  She actually woke up with a wet diaper this morning.  Yesterday she woke up completely dry.

I just hope that no one else here catches whatever it was that she had.

Yesterday morning V woke up fine, had two bites of breakfast and proceeded to throw up.  Thats pretty much how the rest of my day went.  She’s had a fever ever since pretty much.  I didn’t get to go in for my blood test.  I’m hoping to on Wednesday, we’ll see.  All depends on how V is feeling.

Thats how I feel right now.  I have PCOS. I get to go in Monday for a lovely 2 hour Diabetes test, the other blood tests they’ll do as well are to check my cholesterol that I will now have to have checked every couple years.  Theres a couple others but I can’t think of them at the moment. 

I get to look forward to taking meds for quite a while.  They are going to put me on Metformin and it should help correct things.  But we have to wait until the blood test results get back.  My doctor may also put me on something to help clear up my acne and excess hair.  I will be so very happy to have alot of this cleared up. Its very frustrating.

Thats the name of our indoor waterpark. We had not gone before today because of their outrageous prices. The only reason the girls and I went today was because it was Parent/Toddler day from 11-2pm.  So all three of us got in for 9$, that was a savings of 29.90.  I would have had to pay 21.95 for myself and 16.95 for M, V gets in free.  So we plan to go again next week Friday, maybe Mike will come along too.  I may even take the girls Monday and Wednesday.  Just depends, that would be another 18$ but I think I have atleast that in my wallet.

I didn’t get any pictures because we locked up my purse and I didnt have anywhere to put it.  I think maybe next time I’ll get one of those summer waterproof throw aways.  Then just have the pictures developed next Saturday.

Cloth Diaper BLOG @ Diaper Junction

Our Geeklings

Miss M:

Miss V:

Miss A:

Mr D:

May 2024

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