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Miss M is a 4th grader and Miss V is a 3rd grader. It’s amazing how quickly time flies. Here’s hoping this year is just as wonderful as last year!!



I find it truly amazing how fun these girls are. My true heart wandering around outside of me!

Holy crow! Christmas was busy busy! I wasn’t prepared even though I had all my shopping done. Except for food shopping. The 23rd I woke up sick with an odd stomach virus. It was horrid and threw off my whole schedule. My hubby came in that day also so it was just hectic and didn’t really stop from there.
Christmas Eve we went out to my parents to celebrate my sisters 19th birthday. Then rushed home at 8:30 so the girls could open their Christmas Eve gift from us. This is always pjs but this year they also got a Christmas themed movie and popcorn. So they took popcorn and a movie downstairs. Then we waited for them to go to sleep finally around 10 so we could finish prepping for Christmas morning.
All in all Christmas wonderful. We had more family with us this year and it was beautiful. Even with a few bumps, like my dads car deciding it was just too cold at -10F to start.
I’m looking forward to packing away the Christmas decorations after New Years and getting to start a brand new year.
2014 is hopefully going to be a great year!


Easter 2013

The Geeklings visit the bunny, no tears.

Aka drag well kids to the doctor office and pray they don’t pick up some weird sickness from the other people there the week before school starts.

All joking aside it was nice to go once this summer when one of them wasn’t sick. Both are doing pretty good. Here’s a breakdown of how my girls stack up.

Miss M:
Weight: 55.4lbs (51 percentile)
Height: 3 foot 11 1/4 inches (12 percentile)
BMI= 17.4 or the 77 percentile but a very healthy weight
Vision: 30/20R 40/20L
BP: 102/68 sitting

Miss V:
Weight: 41.2lbs (28 percentile)
Height: 3 foot 7 5/8 inches (18 percentile)
BMI: 15.2 or the 50th percentile also a very healthy weight
Vision: 30/20R 30/20L
BP: 92/58 sitting

In other words they are perfect. But we do need to start seeing the eye doctor and so I’ve set that appointment up. The next visit they both have is to the dentist to have some fillings done the last week in August. Miss M begins school on August 22nd and Miss V goes a week later on the 29th. Now that the exam and registration is done we are just waiting for the days to pass.

My girls goofing off wearing the super cute and stylish Dr. Suess paper gowns for their physicals. Miss M dubbed them “Paper Princesses”. Works for me!


It’s raining today. So it’s a perfect day to cuddle on the couch with a snack and watch a movie. Current pick is Fox and the Hound.

I have a feeling though that there will be no progress at the house. So much for them being done with the roof by Friday.



I wish sometimes I could have back the last 6 years, not because I wouldn’t want Miss V but because I can’t remember every little detail I wish I could. They passed so fast and its sometimes hard to remember that sweet little baby she used to be.

Miss V is 6 now and it seems so unreal. She’s such a wonderful joy to have around and makes all of our lives so rich.




Miss V 4 days old

It’s hard to believe that V is four today.

Born: Tuesday, August 1st, 2006 at 11:39am
Birth Stats: 6 pounds 7 ounces 20 inches long

Today: 32 pounds 2 ounces 37.5 inches (25th percentile for weight, 14th for height)


Miss V & her Tinker Bell Cake




Cloth Diaper BLOG @ Diaper Junction

Our Geeklings

Miss M:

Miss V:

Miss A:

Mr D:

May 2024

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